Remarks by Dr. Aun Porn Moniroth, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Economy and Finance and chairman of the public financial management reform steering committee, speaking at the closing ceremony of the 4th Phase (2023-2027) implementation: “Performance Accountability” of the public financial management reform program

On 20 March 2023, the Ministry of Economy and Finance has posted a remark by Dr. Aun Porn Moniroth, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Economy and Finance and chairman of the public financial management reform steering committee, speaking at the closing ceremony of the 4th Phase (2023-2027) implementation: “Performance Accountability” of the public financial management reform program on their official website. 

Dr. Aun Porn Moniroth has concluded his speech by thanking all relevant stakeholders that has made the implementation of the Financial Management program successful. 

Ministry of Economy and Finance